Sunday, February 19, 2012

Cat philosophy

Dexter, I don't know anything about Qatar or Dakar, except Qatar sounds like it's full of cats, so that would be all right with me.  Those are human concerns and therefore beneath my notice.

My philosophy is this:  I am The Cat in the house.  Everyone else is a stooge and placed here to do my bidding.  Maybe I like what the stooges do and maybe I don't.  When I don't like what they're doing, I bite them.  When I like what they are doing, sometimes I bite them anyway.  I always have the upper paw, even though I'm a little kitty, because I never, ever let them know I like them.  Except when they're half asleep and I stick my butt in their faces.  But that's another story.

So, if the stooges started arguing about Qatar (which, by the way sounds made up because what the hell kind of country has a "q" with no "u" after it???) and Dakar, I'd yawn in their faces and then turn and lick my butt.  'Cause hygiene is important.

Dexter, who are these crazy humans you live with anyway?

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