Saturday, February 25, 2012

Brian, haven't you seen all these bumberstickers and signs that say: "SUPPORT OUR VETS"??
You must really have some balls to criticize the all Vets out there, when apparently everyone else seems to be on their side!  I am confident that I have balls too; I'm just waiting for them to pop out.  I keep checking all the time!  

As for the political stuff on TV, if some candidates don't want humans to have birth control it's probably because they LOVE it when babies are born to women who don't want babies and maybe can't afford babies.  That way the government gets to pay more even money for prenatal care and births, and then maybe even more money for welfare, too.  That is what they LOVE to do.  It's obvious.  You just aren't using logical thinking, Brian.  Duh!  They want more government spending for babies born into poverty, and then that might contribute to even more poverty in the future...BUT those reluctant mothers should not be spending their welfare dollars on catfood and cat litter and other cat expenses, like say a collar with diamonds in it.  There are too many welfare moms buying diamond cat collars with other people's tax dollars.  I'm not exactly sure about this part, but that must be the reason because I can't think of any other rationale, along these lines, right now.  So it must be true.

Regarding Santorum, I live in Seattle and we have heard about "santorum" long before the rest of the country even knew what this word meant.  We have a cool weekly newspaper called "The Stranger" here, and the guy who runs it is kinda famous - it gets better - he wrote that "santorum" means like stuff that comes out of your butt.  As a monkey, that caught my attention.  Maybe he was trying to get more monkeys to read "The Stranger."

1 comment:

  1. Dexter! That's BUMPERstickers! They go on the bumper of the car. Bumberstickers would go on your bum. Pawslap. And vets need support. Because if one touches my balls again, he or she is going to need an army to keep me from biting his or her head off.

    I need a diamond collar.
